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I’m Here for You


What should I expect from my first session?

It depends on the need of every individual. Health issues will be discussed before treatment then therapist will explain to the client about the treatment.  Sessions can be 1 to 2 hours long. Tuning forks are used for the treatment in a very relaxed manner and client is informed throughout the session and also therapist make sure that the client is comfortable and share the experience of their treatment. During each session clients are tuned to a balanced frequency, the healthy frequency of internal organs and systems. 
Tuning forks therapy consist of  transmission of pure sound waves through an instrument to a person or an animal. It nourishes the cells and stimulates  the body's natural reserves and helping you to heal.

How this therapy works?

This therapy is an entirely natural process that contribute to good health. It induces  the transmission of pure sound wave through an instrument to a person or an animal. You can feel a large portion of the natural sound wave which nourishes the cells and  stimulates the body's natural reserves initiating its own healing process. Sound waves  produced by tuning forks reach the body's cells. Body cells  naturally tune to them with renewed, nourished and strengthened immunity properties.  The appropriately chosen sound causes healthy cells to be strengthened and unhealthy cells to regenerate very quickly. In the case of cancer cells, particular frequencies can cause their disintegration due to their inability to bear quick vibration changes. Because they cant tune to these types  of vibrations, they burst.

What is the therapy session like?

Each therapy session takes place in a comfortable atmosphere. During the session the client can sit  in a chair or lie down. There is no need to get undressed. Sound therapy is usually performed at a close distance to the body, sometimes even touching the client
in the case of acupressure techniques. An experience of many pleasant  sensations like warmth, cold, tickling, tingling, calmness may be felt. It it possible that you may not feel anything at all though the healing process is  equally effective. After therapy clients are advised to drink a lot of warm water and rest.

In what ways can sound therapy help?

Sound treatment can help with a large range of physical and mental disorders. It is the process of revitalization, relaxation and freeing  to a very deep level. It helps to regulate, tune and heal the body at its own pace and its own way.  You can experience a spontaneous health recovery immediately or gradual improve over a longer period of time. Sometimes the results of therapy are very apparent sometimes more subtle but it always helps.  Treatments can initiate life changes, they may help you to regain control over your life. 

Cellular Resonance Therapy is performed with the help of Tuning forks. Therapist have deep knowledge of acupressure points and level of wave length of Tuning forks to be used for the treatment. With help of Tuning forks, 7 chakras in the body are cleaned and balanced and also vibrations are sent through acupressure points in the body.

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